
Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !



Dokuwiki est le wiki que vous utilisez en ce moment


Installing DokuWiki


ACL / Users + Groups permissions on dokuwiki



Flux RSS dokuwiki

informations de sessions

si vous voulez récupérer le user actuel:

$utilisateur= $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['user'];

ATTENTION A AVOIR UN CACHE = 0 sinon apparait le précédent!!!

informations sur la version


When upgrading your installation, it might happen that DokuWiki continues to show the update message, even though the number in doku.php was increased by the upgrade. This is because DokuWiki caches already fetched messages for a day and will only refetch if the last modified timestamp of doku.php is higher than the one of the cache file. To stop the outdated update message from showing you can simply wait a day, touch1) the doku.php or delete the data/cache/messages.txt cache file.

rm data/cache/messages.txt

If you encounter some inconsistencies in DokuWiki's behaviour after upgrading, you should delete the cache files in data/cache/

sauvegardes avec *nix

#pour sauvegarder votre dokuwiki sur un serveur distant 
# a mettre dans un crontab eg me le lance tous les jours à 16h31
#31 16 * * * /home/radeff/bin/
#### a changer
chemin="/home/radeff/dokuwiki/data" #definir le repertoire
serveur="radeff@yourwebserver:~/backups/dokuwiki" #definir le serveur et le repertoire distant pour le backup
### ne plus rien changer ###
cd $chemin
rsync -az * $serveur
echo "Synchronisation effectuée"

Migrer dotclear sur dokuwiki

Voir le résultat sur mon blog:
// dc2dw.php x
// Use at your own risk! No warranty implied!
// Before using you need to remove the space from line '< /code>'
// it is only included to be able to show the source here in DokuWiki
//adapted: 2018,
// Open connection
	$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dc', 'dc', 'dc');
catch (PDOException $e)
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();
// Run Query
$sql 	= 'SELECT
post_id AS id,
post_dt AS date,
post_title AS titre,
post_excerpt_xhtml AS chapo,
post_content_xhtml AS contenu,
post_meta AS tag
FROM dc_post
WHERE blog_id="default"
AND post_meta IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY post_id
//LIMIT 900,100
$stmt 	= $pdo->prepare($sql); // Prevent MySQl injection. $stmt means statement
// Turn off all error reporting
while ($row = $stmt->fetch())
$tag=  $row[tag];
//$tag=preg_replace("/^(.*)\"tag\";[a-z]:[0-9]\{/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/^(.*)\"tag/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/\";[a-z]:[0-9]:\{[a-z]:[0-9];/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/;\}\}$/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/s:[0-9]:/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/^s:[0-9]*:/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/;[a-z]*:[0-9]*;/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/s:[0-9]*/", "", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("\":\"", " ", $tag);
  $tag=str_replace('"', " ", $tag);
  $tag=preg_replace("/  */", " ", $tag);
  $tag=str_replace("a 0 {}", "", $tag);
    $tag=preg_replace("/<.*/", "", $tag);
    $tag=str_replace("geekeries - linuxeries", "geekeries", $tag);
    $tag=str_replace("big brother", "bigBrother", $tag);
    $tag=str_replace("souveraineté alimentaire", "souveraineteAlimentaire", $tag);
    $tag=str_replace("tag> ", "tag>", $tag);
    $tag=str_replace(" }}", "}}", $tag);
  //$tag=preg_replace("\" \"", " ", $tag);
$billet="====== " .$row['titre'] ." ======
date created = " .$row['date'] ."
{{tag>" .$tag ."}}
. $row['chapo']
." "
.$row ['contenu']
	echo $billet;
  //echo "$tag";
  echo "\n";
$fw = fopen($file, "w");
  if ($fw) {
    fwrite($fw, $billet);
// Close connection
$pdo = null;
######## old stuff unused ######

//check command line parameters
if ($argc != 3 || in_array($argv[1], array('--help', '-help', '-h', '-?'))) {
  echo "\n  Converts all files from given directory\n";
  echo "  from DotClear to DokuWiki syntax. NOT RECURSIV\n\n";
  echo "  Usage:\n";
  echo "  ".$argv[0]." <dotclearDbName> <output dir>\n\n";
else {
  //get input and output directories
  $inDir = realpath($argv[1]) or die("input dir error");
  $outDir = realpath($argv[2]) or die("output dir error");
  //just print information
  echo "\nInput Directory: ".$inDir."\n";
  echo "Output Directory: ".$outDir."\n\n";
  //get all files from directory
  if (is_dir($inDir)) {
    $files = filesFromDir($inDir);
  //migrate each file
  foreach ($files As $file) {
    //convert filename
    $ofile = convFileNames($file);
    //just print information
    echo "Migrating from ".$inDir."/".$file." to ".$outDir."/".$ofile."\n";
    //read input file
    $text = readFl($inDir."/".$file);
    //convert content
    $text = ewiki2doku($text);
    //encode in utf8
    $text = utf8_encode($text);
    //write output file
    writeFl($outDir."/".$ofile, $text);
function ewiki2doku($text) {
  //line by line
  $lines = explode("\n", $text);
  foreach($lines As $line) {
    //start converting
    $find = Array(
       '/\[notify: ?[^ ]*\]/',         //remove [notify:...]
       '/\[jump:([^]]+)\]/',           //[jump:...]
       '/<\?plugin *settitle(.*)\?>/i', //sort of a heading 1
       '/^    *([^ ])/',               //indented paragraphs (we always used 4 spaces but also [tab] is allowed
       '/%%%/',                        //newline
                                       //CamelCase InterWiki link
       '/([^-!~=|>&[])(\b[A-Z]+[a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*\b)(([^]|#>])|$)/', //CamelCase, dont change if CamelCase is in InternalLink
       '/([^!~]|^)\[([^] |[]+)\]/',    //internal link
       '/\[([^]|[]+)\|([^]|[]+)\]/',   //external links and links with |
       '/\["([^"]+)" ([^ ]+)\]/',      //Ewiki ["..." ...] style links ([... "..."] not recognized)
       '/\[\[([^ :]+):([^]\/@]+)\]\]/', //InterWiki link (the /@ tries to exclude http:// and mailto:)
       '/\[\[(([^] |[]+)\.(png|jpe?g|gif))\]\]/', //image link (only some)
       '/<pre>/',                      //pre open
       '/<\/pre>/',                    //pre close
       '/^\* /',                       //lists 1
       '/^\*\* /',                     //lists 2
       '/^\*\*\* /',                   //lists 3
       '/^# /',                        //ordered lists 1
       '/^## /',                       //ordered lists 2
       '/^### /',                      //ordered lists 3
       '/^!{3} ?(.*)$/',               //heading 1
       '/^!{2} ?(.*)$/',               //heading 2
       '/^!{1} ?(.*)$/',               //heading 3
       '/__([^_]+)__/',                //bold 1
       '/\*\*([^*]+)\*\*/',            //bold 2
       '/\'\'([^\']+)\'\'/',           //italic (emphasize)
       '/==(([^= ][^=]+)|[^=])==/',    //monospaced (also taking care of ==X==)
       '/<tt>(.+)<\/tt>/',             //teletype
       '/##([^#]+)##/',                //big text
       '/µµ([^µ]+)µµ/',                //small text
       '/[!~](\b[A-Z]+[a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*\b)/', //~CamelCase + !CamelCase
       '/[!~](\[[^][]+\])/',           //~[text] + !text (just remove ~ and !)
       '/<cc>([A-Z]+[a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z>]*)<\/cc>/', //CamelCase, dont change if CamelCase is in InternalLink
       '/^(=+ .*)\[\[(.*)\]\](.* =+)$/',   //remove links in headlines
       '/<([-A-Za-z0-9+_.]+@[-A-Za-z0-9_]+\.[-A-Za-z0-9_.]+[A-Za-z])>/', //<email> addresses
       '/([^<:!~]|^)(\b[-A-Za-z0-9+_.]+@[-A-Za-z0-9_]+\.[-A-Za-z0-9_.]+[A-Za-z]\b)([^>]|$)/', //email addresses
       '/^keywords: /',                //misc1
       '/\[\[ManPages>/',              //misc2
       '/\[\[WikiPedia>/',             //misc3
       '/\[\[FooBarWiki>/'             //misc4
    $replace = Array(
       '',                             //remove [notify:...]
       'Please go to [${1}]',          //[jump:...]
       '====== ${1} ======',           //heading 1 (from plugin settitle)
       '> ${1}',                       //indented paragraphs
       '\\\\\\ ',                      //newline
       '${1}<cc>${2}>${3}</cc>${4}',   //CamelCase InterWiki link
       '${1}<cc>${2}</cc>${3}',        //CamelCase (preparation, see below for finish)
       '${1}[[${2}]]',                 //internal link
       '[[${2}|${1}]]',                //external link and links with |
       '[[${2}|${1}]]',                //Ewiki ["..." ...] style links
       '[[${1}>${2}]]',                //InterWiki link
       '{{${1}}}',                     //images link
       '<code>',                       //(<pre>) code open
       '< /code>',                     //(</pre>)code close - remove space between < and /, it is included for viewing in dokuwiki
       '  * ',                         //lists 1
       '    * ',                       //lists 2
       '      * ',                     //lists 3
       '  - ',                         //ordered lists 1
       '    - ',                       //ordered lists 2
       '      - ',                     //ordered lists 3
       '====== ${1} ======',           //heading 1
       '===== ${1} =====',             //heading 2
       '==== ${1} ====',               //heading 3
       '**${1}**',                     //bold 1
       '**${1}**',                     //bold 2
       '//${1}//',                     //italic (emphasize)
       '\'\'${1}\'\'',                 //monospaced
       '\'\'${1}\'\'',                 //teletype
       '**${1}**',                     //big text -- no markup in dokuwiki
       '${1}',                         //small text -- no markup in dokuwiki
       '${1}',                         //~CamelCase + !CamelCase
       '${1}',                         //~[text] + !text (just remove ~ and !)
       '[[${1}]]',                     //CamelCase, finish <cc>CamelCase</cc>
       '${1}${2}${3}',                 //remove links in headlines
       '${1}',                         //<email> addresses
       '${1}<${2}>${3}',               //email addresses
       '**keywords:** ',               //misc1
       '[[man>',                       //misc2
       '[[wp>',                        //misc3
       '[[FooBarWiki>'                 //misc4
    $line = preg_replace($find,$replace,$line);
    $ret = $ret.$line."\n";
  return $ret;
function convFileNames($name) {
  /* ö,ä,ü, ,. and more
  $find = Array('/_20/',
  $replace = Array('_',
  $name = preg_replace($find,$replace,$name);
  $name = strtolower($name);
  return $name.".txt";
function filesFromDir($dir) {
  $files = Array();
  while ($file = readdir ($handle)) {
     if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir($dir."/".$file)) {
         array_push($files, $file);
  return $files;
function readFl($file) {
  $fr = fopen($file,"r");
  if ($fr) {
    while(!feof($fr)) {
      $text = $text.fgets($fr);
  return $text;
function writeFl($file, $text) {
  $fw = fopen($file, "w");
  if ($fw) {
    fwrite($fw, $text);
  • info/local_dokuwiki.1538817954.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2018/10/06 11:25
  • de radeff